Thursday, December 20, 2018



In last ppd session we were asked to find a partner. Then we were instructed to cover the eyes of the partner. The other individual needed to offer directions to the visually impaired individual about the snags, ways, where to turn and so forth. So there the one individual assumed the job of an audience and one assumed the job of a teacher. The educator ought to explore the audience to the last goal. This movement had two rounds where the audience of the first round turned into the teacher in the second round and the other way around.

When we continue the way we needed to go over stair situations where we needed to educate the visually impaired individual with the no. of steps and where to stop. There were white board markers on the way and on the off chance that someone put the leg on it, the person may fall. That is the reason we were told to listen the educator well. At the first round we needed to come the way and tap a block. While in the second round we needed to tap on two solid squares and the block. In the first round all most every one of the understudies strolled and tap the block with the right guidelines. Be that as it may, at the second round a few understudies overlooked what to do. Some neglected to tap on the block in the wake of tapping he solid squares.

When we believe somebody we ought not confide in the person in question indiscriminately. Despite the fact that we can not see anything we have a cerebrum to think and examine. We can pick what we ought to do and what ought not. We can teach the other individual when the person completes a wrong thing. In this event likewise a few teachers neglected to tap the block in the wake of tapping the solid block. In the event that visually impaired one spoke with the teacher well they won't do such an error. Miss Sarasi never denied the correspondence between the educator and the visually impaired individual.

When somebody keeps his or her trust on us, we have a duty of securing it.

Working in pairs, blindfolded participants are led on a walk around the surrounding area or a course by their partners. This is great activity for focusing on communication skills and developing trust.

 Learning Outcomes from this

Creative thinking
Risk awareness

These things are extremely critical when we live in the general public. When we work we need to trust such a significant number of individuals and pursue their ways. Be astute. Trust the general population. Be that as it may, don't aimlessly trust.