Thursday, December 20, 2018


Self Reflection
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I missed that day...
In last PPD session we asked to take a photo of our self(Selfies) .we take lot of selfies in a week. But we never deeply look in to it. We were asked to look at our selves for 5 minutes by Sarasi Miss. Then she questioned, "what you see ?"
Most of the friends said "nothing". but someone replied with some special things that they recognized and some were blank. then she asked another question whether we think or care about what others think about our selves. Almost all said yes. Yes we should care but to a some extend. We can get the ideas, advises from others. Some point out our faults.  But do not depend on those thing all the times.

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“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again but expecting different results.”

Yet that is what so many of us do – continue on through life doing the same things and wondering why we aren’t getting a different outcome.

When a project or something doesn’t go well at work, what do you do? You take a moment to step back and see what went wrong and what you could do differently next time. The same should be true with life, yet we don’t often take time to reflect. Why not?

I’ve heard many reasons over the years. Maybe you feel you don’t have time and there is just too much else on your plate. Or maybe you don’t have the energy. You’re tired and feel like it’s just one more thing to do. Perhaps you don’t realize the significant and how it can positively transform your life. Or maybe you just feel like it’s too hard. Many of my clients feel they don’t know where to start or what to consider.

This is often why people hire a coach or consultant. To provide time and space they aren’t giving themselves. To ask the right questions and give space for the answers.

The good news is, you don’t need to hire anyone to reap the enormous benefits of self reflection. All it requires is awareness, commitment and dedicating time.
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