Thursday, December 7, 2017


                                 LIFE GOALS        

In last PPD session we had to do a presentation about our goals. Miss. Sarasi asked to think about our goals and display on a Bristol board. We all displayed our board in-front of the class and talked about it. Miss asked us to represent our goals in a Bristol board  & paste them on the wall. Everyone of the class came one by one and described their goals.  Miss put marks for our presentations.
When my turn came, I went to front & told about my future goals.

We devided our goals into 3 categories. Those are

 Academic Goals
 Personal Goals
 Professional Goals

Academic goals

  • Attend lectures early 
  • study well
  • Improve my communication skill 
  • Participate all events

Professional goals

  • Get a job after 4 years
  • Help poor people with my knowledge and money after the 8 years
  • Earn money after 4 years

Personal goals

  • Buy a car and house in my salary within 7 years
  •  Get married after  8  years