Tuesday, December 5, 2017


                            Our every PPD session we learn some new things.This day also madam brought an game which is taught us lot of things. first madam divided our class in to three groups and selected a leader, sub leader  from each group & she called leader and sub leader.Then we were given an advertisement paper and asked to look at it for a minute . The task we have to cut a magazine size picture in to 100 pieces.Then the pieces were mixed.And miss took ten pieces from each group and gave them to the other two groups.

Next all the groups were asked to solve the puzzle and make it in the correct shape.and miss gave 45 mins to this task.

We had to concentrate on both solving the puzzle and collecting the missing pieces.

So we decided to divide our group into two subgroups.Each of us had different tasks like some to solve the puzzle from the start of the magazine and others for the end of the magazine. and someone one  to find the missing pieces and exchange them. and collecting others pieces also

When our time  was finished we went back to our seats and two were there with the puzzle.In our group,3 pieces were missing.

In group 1,only one piece was missing and in group 6 pieces were missing.So the group 1 is declared as the winners.


From this session we learn lot of things. while we are doing this task madam interupt and ask about our induvidual project .we tell about that in front of our class so this task change our concentration from the game after that we have to do our games. From this as  a human being we have to face lot of problems and duties if they interupt us we should move on &concentrate our goals.And we learn that convincing people not a easy task .if we want to convince people we can help them to do their tasks and another way is talk with them in a friendly manner. If we have to survive this we have to maintain our ethical strategies. Another important one is "Team work",its everything.
                           This is very fun !!! & intelligent game!!!

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