Tuesday, December 26, 2017



                When we entered into the university of kelaniya to study software engineering we think that we have to focus only studies. But lately we know that we had a subject called PPD (Personal Progress Development) .After the some day of our  university life we attended to our first lecture of ppd which is standard for personal progress development.Even without knowing we have  finished one year and we have came to the end of the ppd session.

               01. Know about PPD

Our first blog with the heading that "Know about PPD". and write on it what is PPD,what can develop from this session and what are the things include on this session.

              02. Paper Tower

Next we did a activity called "Paper Tower". this  is a small game.we had to build a tower by using the papers which was given by our madam.and the tallest tower built team is the winner.So we learnt from this activity is we learnt lot things. must have a proper plan to do some thing, strategy and team work.

             03.What I Learn from PPD

After that we write a blog about "What I Learn from PPD". and what are the useful things we get from this sessions and etc.

            04.  5 PLACE in University of KELANIYA

Our next blog is about "5 PLACE in University of KELANIYA". so we go arround our university and take photos and give introductions about that places in the blog.

Next activity is  "LAVA RIVER & STANDING ON PAPER". On Standing on the Paper game a nice game the thing is we all have to stand in on piece of paper in first round its easy but in second round its going hard because we had to fold  the paper in second round we had to fold continuously in flowing rounds.so we learn that from  this activity we must have a proper strategy and how to use limited resources and team work.The next game is "Lava River". in this game we have to cross the lava river by using paper plates. we cant put legs in lava river without the paper plate and we must keep all the paper plates with human touch if we loss the human touch we will loss that plate.that is very interesting game.and we learnt that we must have proper plan for do anything,how to use limited resources and leadership qualities.

           06.BARTER PUZZLE

Our next activity is "BARTER PUZZLE". this is a puzzle game. in this game we can see a magazine page and after that cut that into small pieces and we have to re arrange that within a limited time.we learnt time management and team work and how analyze one thing and keep it on mind from this activity.

             07. LIFE GOALS

The next activity is a mind map about " LIFE GOALS". in this activity we have to make a mind map on our future goals under three categories.and we also have to do a presentation about it.from this activity we clearly know what are our goals and what we have to do for achieve them.

              08.OUT BOUNDING TRAINIG

Final activity is "OUT BOUNDING TRAINIG". for this activity we visited to the Naval and Maritime Academy in Trincomalee. that is the two day session. On first day we have some game type activities and evening made a camp fire and do some talent show. On second day we go through the forest and visited the Navy Museum.this is the great experience we got from this PPD session.we learnt leadership qualities through this activity and enjoyed the trip also.

These are the activities we did and these are the things we achieved form this PPD session.Here we learnt that working effectively in a team environment is crucial for many small businesses. It requires skills in effective communication, collaboration, time management, and business acumen. On a team, members share the ownership of meeting the defined objective. By establishing a responsibility matrix, you define who is responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed for each task you complete. Working with a diverse group of people, sometimes in different locations, presents many challenges. Learning to work together effectively in a team environment enables everyone involved to achieve their personal and professional goals.

Monday, December 18, 2017



On the 9th and 10th ,we (first year and second year students of Software Engineering) went to Outbounding training to Trincomalee Navy camp with the guidance of 3 lecturers including our Sarasi madam.

On 9th morning ,we started travelling at 3.30 am in two buses..both first and second years were in the bus.Our bus stopped in Kandalai river.There we could see the beautiful river in one side of the road and green paddy field in other side.There we took some fresh air and then started our journey back.

We reached Trincomalee at 10.30 am. Then we were given time to get ready. then we got ready and took our lunch there. After that our training activities were started. We were grouped in to 4 groups and did various games.
  1. Go through electric sqaure
  2.Passing a ball through pipes
  3.Filing a tube with holes with water   
  4. Playing volley ball using a coat
  5.tug of war

All these games were team activities. So we were able to improve many qualities. When we do a  team activity we should have a team leader to guide us. We should listen to the team leader and follow his or her orders. But we all can discuss and express ideas. But final decision should be made by team leader. First we did not get that point. So even though navy officers appointed a leader for each group , we did not care and all participated in decision making. Some times we can survive but it is not effective.In the first game 7 out of 8 members went through the high tension wire including me.

Games like 2 and 3 really need a leader to coordinate the work. The leader had to say where to stop where to move where to slow down. The teams which had a good connection with the leader completed the task.

We enjoyed a lot through those works. Then we went to our hostels and changed. At night we had a camp fire and a variety show. We were able to show our talents. It was really fun to do those things  Then we had the dinner and called off the day.

Next day morning we went through a jungle from naval base to elephant pint. We were given th compass and go to the ending point finding the correct path. During that we faced lots of challenges. As a team we had to care about each and every body. We met a  injured soldier. As a team we had to decide what we should do. We have to protect the team ass well as the save that person. Some team members got injured. So we had to discuss and listen to the final decision of the team leader.At last we went to the targeted place. That place was so beautiful.

We rest a bit and walked to see the  naval museum. We saw how the technology used to make their weapons, boats, ships etc. We saw LTTE weapons and equipment. We got a huge knowledge. Then we had lunch.

Officers , Soldiers in the naval base helped  us a lot. They all treated us in a good manner. We enjoyed a lot.They dedicated their time and effort for us even in a  busy schedule. We were very happy to join with them to celebrate their 67th anniversary.

We gain lots of things, we were able to learn good things. We improved lots of qualities. We were very thankful for them and the miss Sarasi for organizing such a marvelous event.

You know what even though soldiers always deals with guns and rules they are humans like us. They are good hearted people who make this world a peaceful place that we can live freely. We must pay our gratitude for them.

Thursday, December 7, 2017


                                 LIFE GOALS        

In last PPD session we had to do a presentation about our goals. Miss. Sarasi asked to think about our goals and display on a Bristol board. We all displayed our board in-front of the class and talked about it. Miss asked us to represent our goals in a Bristol board  & paste them on the wall. Everyone of the class came one by one and described their goals.  Miss put marks for our presentations.
When my turn came, I went to front & told about my future goals.

We devided our goals into 3 categories. Those are

 Academic Goals
 Personal Goals
 Professional Goals

Academic goals

  • Attend lectures early 
  • study well
  • Improve my communication skill 
  • Participate all events

Professional goals

  • Get a job after 4 years
  • Help poor people with my knowledge and money after the 8 years
  • Earn money after 4 years

Personal goals

  • Buy a car and house in my salary within 7 years
  •  Get married after  8  years

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


                            Our every PPD session we learn some new things.This day also madam brought an game which is taught us lot of things. first madam divided our class in to three groups and selected a leader, sub leader  from each group & she called leader and sub leader.Then we were given an advertisement paper and asked to look at it for a minute . The task we have to cut a magazine size picture in to 100 pieces.Then the pieces were mixed.And miss took ten pieces from each group and gave them to the other two groups.

Next all the groups were asked to solve the puzzle and make it in the correct shape.and miss gave 45 mins to this task.

We had to concentrate on both solving the puzzle and collecting the missing pieces.

So we decided to divide our group into two subgroups.Each of us had different tasks like some to solve the puzzle from the start of the magazine and others for the end of the magazine. and someone one  to find the missing pieces and exchange them. and collecting others pieces also

When our time  was finished we went back to our seats and two were there with the puzzle.In our group,3 pieces were missing.

In group 1,only one piece was missing and in group 6 pieces were missing.So the group 1 is declared as the winners.


From this session we learn lot of things. while we are doing this task madam interupt and ask about our induvidual project .we tell about that in front of our class so this task change our concentration from the game after that we have to do our games. From this as  a human being we have to face lot of problems and duties if they interupt us we should move on &concentrate our goals.And we learn that convincing people not a easy task .if we want to convince people we can help them to do their tasks and another way is talk with them in a friendly manner. If we have to survive this we have to maintain our ethical strategies. Another important one is "Team work",its everything.
                           This is very fun !!! & intelligent game!!!