Friday, June 29, 2018

How to face Interview

      How to face Interview?!

On 22nd of June In our PPD session we learnt a very important thing "How to face an Interview" by our Madam.

01.Before Facing Interview

Research the company

 The first thing you should do after you’ve been asked to interview for a position at a company is to research the company. Find out what the mission of the company is, how long it’s been around, how many employees it has, and what your position would be if you got the job.
Image result for search details of company in laptop

Prepare to answer common questions

Though each interview is different, there are certain questions that many interviewers commonly ask, and it’s good to have some answers prepared so you don’t look unprepared or caught off guard.
Ex:-“What are your biggest strengths and weakness?”

Image result for “What are your biggest strengths and weakness?”

Prepare to ask at least two questions

 At the end of most interviews, your potential employers will ask you if you have any questions you want to ask them. You should prepare at least a handful of questions and pick the ones that are the most relevant to ask; this shows that you’ve done your research and are excited about the position.
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Practice with a friend

 If you want to feel really confident going into that interview, then you may want to practice with a friend or even someone who knows about your field first. This can help you practice stating your answers with confidence, getting the body language down, and feeling secure in what you have to offer.
Image result for Practice with a friend for interview

Prepare to explain why you’d be a good fit for the company

 Another thing you need to get ready to say is why you’d be a great fit for the company. Check out what the employees at the company are like and what the company values the most when it comes to the position you’re seeking; use buzzwords to show why you possess those qualities and why you’d be a perfect fit for the job you’re interviewing for.
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Prepare to bring everything you need

 It’s important to get everything you need together the day before you go to the interview so you don’t have to do any last-minute preparation to get ready for the big day. You’ll most likely need to bring your resume and cover letter to use as a reference, as well as any other additional materials that you think will help give your interviewers a better sense of who you are and the work that you do.
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Dress professionally

 If you want to make a good impression, then you have to start off by dressing professionally.
Image result for dress professionally womenImage result for dress professionally women

Arrive at least 10 minutes early

 Showing up a little bit early to the interview shows that you’re punctual and that you really care about your job.
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02.After facing Interview

Avoid sharing overly personal information

 Though you may feel like your interviewers really like you and that they’re getting buddy buddy with you, you should avoid mentioning anything overly personal about yourself. Don’t talk about your significant other, your kids, or your personal problems at home
Image result for Avoid sharing overly personal information in interview

Make sure to thank your interviewers in person and shake hand strongly 

 When the interview is over, show that you’re grateful for the fact that your interviewers took the time to meet with you and to get a chance to talk to you about your skills and qualifications. As you leave the room, shake your interviewer’s hand
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Back the chair where was it

When you leave the room don't forget to keep the chairs in the same place and also carry the drink bottles with you and don't let them away.
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