Monday, October 8, 2018

Pen and thread


The next game on last week was Pen and thread . We were in the same groups for this activity. For this activity madam gave A4 sheet, pen, piece of thread and plaster(sellotape).Then madam asked to wrote the word "Viper" on the paper without touching the pen and the paper so we want to used the Thread and the Sellotape.
 Image result for game pen and thread

on this task all teams did  correctly to do. From this games we learnt how to work as a team and how to manage given resources on given time.

Expert game


We have two interesting activities in our last week PPD session. The very first session was Expert Game. First of all madam asked that which field we were interested then we were separated into 4 groups.

Then our task was want to select three expertise field from our group members and want to develop a product which covers all three fields that we choose earlier. We selected Chess,Designing and Electronics as that three expertise fields. According to those field we developed "Virtual Chess" as a video game. after the presented all the four groups with some great ideas with high technologies.unfortunately our madam expected a simple and fun idea from us. Finally the activity was fun.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Field Visit to WSO2

Field Visit to WSO2

              The field visit planned on September 12th of 2018. On that day i can't went to WSO2 because of fever😞. so here I'm gonna share about friend's experiences.

On that day they went to WSO2 for a session which was organized by WSO2 in Colombo. The organizers planned to start the session at 9:00 am  and but they reached before 9. Then the session started  at 9:00 am. First of all some speeches and then started to teach them about the technical writing. After that they grouped them and gave a topic as write the technical writing about the ATM service for the customer. Then selected a group as the winners and they got t-Shirts as the prize.

They had another group activity after the refreshment that was interesting game. They grouped again
and they wanted to find the word (object) which was silently 
told to a member of a group and then the member showed some signs relative to the word. In that game Deshanjali's group won and they got a chocolate. Finally the session was finished sharply at 12:00 pm. 
I really missed this great opportunity😟😟😟😟. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Emerging Technology Trends

Emerging Technology Trends

We had an industry session about  Emerging Technology Trends on 03/07/2018 .It was organized by WSO2 and it conducted by Mr.Srinath Perera (VP Research, WSO2 ).

The workshop started at 10 am.First he explained about the history of trends. 
Then he explained briefly about the forces at play in trends. There he mentioned some important points. Those are:

Then we moved to useful things and that was KEY TRENDS.Here he separated the the KEY TRENDS into two main categories as Current and Emerging.
Current Key:APIs
                                        Analytics and AI
Emerging Key Trends:Block Chain
                                             Sharing Economy
                                                  Quantum Computing 
                                    3D Printing 
Then we moved into the Current trends section and we got to know about them one by one and each of them we end with the opinion and it was help us to catch the current scenario of current trends.After that we move into the Emerging key trends and here also we looked one by one and similarly they included the opinion section.Then finally he gave chance to clear our doubts and some students asked and clear their doubts from him. at the end of the workshop we got a WSO2 printed pen.

This was a well experienced session and i got more experience from here.