Saturday, July 29, 2017

What I learn from PPD


Through out the PPD activities we can able to get all these personality and develop our softskills
Personal progress development is a lifelong process. It is a way for people to assess their skills and qualities, consider their aims in life and set goals in order to realise and maximise their potential.

This PPD lesson helps me to identify the skills I need to set life goals which can enhance my employability
It’s hard to judge which soft skills are most important, but this list is soft skills and the skills which are most likely to enable you to build constructive working relationships with others, or to be a constructive and helpful employee.

1. Communication Skills

2.  Making Decision

3. Self-Motivation

4. Leadership Skills

5. Team-Working Skills

6. Creativity and Problem-Solving Skills

7. Time Management and ability to work under pressure

8.Self Confidence
9.Planning Skills

10.Presentation skills 

Saturday, July 22, 2017



In every PPD session we make new different activities and learn new things. Madam came with new activity PAPER TOWER.. First madam divide our class in to three groups. Then, she gave 12A4 papers, and cello-tape and told us to make higher and straight Paper Tower from the papers,that she gave us.


  At the very beginning of making Paper Tower ,we had not a plan how to built it but we decided to built basement and how to built it height. While  the discussion we started to make the basement .It was right and it was triangle shape.Then we rolled the papers and pasted them one by one.But when tower's height was increasing,the straightness went down.When the time was over we had used 11  1/2 papers

Finally Our team got 1st place from that game and we archived that target work as team.

Learning Outcomes...

  • Thinking
  • Planning
  • Creativity
  • Decision making skills
  • Work as a group
  • Solve Problems
  • Use English language and has fun
  • Strategy
  • Leadership

"Experience is a hard teacher. It gives the test first, and then the lesson."  

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Know about PPD

What is PPD?
The definition of PPD is Personal Progress Development

👉🏼Personal Progress helps you develop values that prepare you and mold you character so that you can fulfill your divine potential.

What can develop from PPD?

👉🏼Develop a positive attitude in life
Successful goal achievement.
👉🏼Written communication
Effective communications.
👉🏼Stress management.
Technical skills
Self-motivation and confidence
Develop communication skills.
👉🏼Develop writing communication.
👉🏼Planning and organization.
👉🏼problem solving.
👉🏼Develop leadership skills
👉🏼Develop listening skills.
👉🏼Develop negotiation  skills

Our Entry Level 1 qualifications in Personal Progress allow learners to develop their skills in areas such as communications, reading and writing, mathematics, independent living, skills for the workplace and engaging with the world around them. On successfully achieving these qualifications, learners can progress to supported employment, independent living and other entry level qualifications.

Personal development may include the following activities:

👉🏼Improving self-awareness
👉🏼Improving self-knowledge
👉🏼Improving skills and learning new ones
👉🏼Developing strengths or talents
Improving a career
👉🏼Improving wealth or social status
Fulfilling aspirations
👉🏼Executing personal development plans 
👉🏼Improving social relations